How to register a new player with BWPL
Before you register a player with the British Water Polo League ("BWPL"), the player must be registered with the Amateur Swimming Association ("ASA")
Please go to his page to get the instructions on how to register a player with the ASA.
BWPL Registration Rules
Before a new member can take part in any match within BWPL, he must be registered with the ASA.
The registration for BWPL is strict. If Otter plays an unregistered player during a BWPL fixture, the club will and if get penalised with point deduction and possibly monetary fines.
The registration of a new player with BWPL is a two step process.
The first step will always be the registration with the ASA.
This posts deals with the second step: the registration of a player with BWPL.
The first thing to consider when registering a player with BWPL is the timing.
BWPL Rule 103.6 states that:
"all applications for registration of players, coaches or other team officials after the due date must be made using the League's online Registration System, a fee of £5:00 per player, coach or other team official to be charged to the club's account at the end of the season. To be valid for a shared venue event, the application must be in the hands of the Match Secretary by midnight of the Wednesday prior to the weekend of the event. A player, coach or other team official may not play for/represent his or her team until the registration is checked and published as valid on the online Registration System".
So, make sure that you register the player with the ASA way before midnight of the Wednesday prior to the weekend of the BWPL event.
A good practice would be to register the player as he joins the club, but if for some reason you are running out of time, make sure that you register the player with the ASA on Monday or Tuesday before the weekend of the event.
Same day registration (i.e. on the same Wednesday) are rarely achieved. If you have fallen in this scenario you will depend on the speed on which the ASA updates the record.
Having said this, same registration have been completed in the past so you might as well try it.
Registration in the BWPL Online System
Once the player is registered with the ASA, go and get his ASA number from the ASA's Online Membership System.
You can find the number by searching for the players name in the "Membership" area or by going to the "Batch Management" Area in the top navigation area.
Please refer to the ASA registration post for more information on this process.
Click in the batch number you submitted and copy the player's ASA number.
Once you have the number go to the BWPL data website at
Log in using the correct username and password which can be found at the following path
Dropbox/Waterpolo Admin/ASA Registrations/Passwords
Click on "Otter" either in the top navigation menu or in the lists of clubs as displayed on the website.
Click on the "Otter (M)" tab that appears in the sub navigation menu
Click on "Add" in the following sub navigation menu.
Input the name, surname and ASA number of the player you are trying to register exactly as they appear on the ASA Online Membership System.
Click "Add" to continue.
Once you add the player's information to the BWPL's system his data will be highlighted in red in Otter's registered players lists.
Click "validate" to validate the player's record.
Note: The BWPL system is coded in a way that it will only allow to validate players Monday to Wednesday (midnight) as stated in the rules.
Therefore, if you are trying to validate a player's record on any other date, the website will not accept the instruction.
This is the main reason why it is important to stick to the deadlines stipulated in the rules for if you fall outside of them, the player will not be able to play on the respective weekend.